Downtown Amman is an amazing sight to behold. The constant barrage of transient sights, sounds, and smells are almost overwhelming to the first time traveler. The cramped corridors hold many secrets; from hotels, shops and beautiful artwork ranging from graffiti all the way to the more obscure such as hanging colorful umbrellas on wires. The cars are almost just as packed as the people, and everyone has something to do or somewhere to go. As the spaces become more rigid and the distance between you and the person next to you becomes more and more personal, one must always remember to be mindful and keep track of all their personal belongings, for pickpockets are rarely abound in the area. Some are unfortunate young souls who can easily slip their slender hands into your pockets and take what they need and then be gone before you can even notice.
This is the shopping and bargaining center of old Amman. What you need can be found here, and if you need something fixed look no further. Books, movies, toys, games and even porn are all found on the streets of downtown Amman, and their prices are always negotiable.
For some reason the night market has a sense of home. It is strange to see this market boom at night; one who is unfamiliar with the neighborhood, or downtown Amman for that matter, would make the erroneous assumption that it would be far too dangerous to attend one of these markets alone at night, and yet while there is inherent risk in going to a market at night, one is welcomed here with a sense of warmth and humility that's hard not to appreciate.
It would be foolish to pass by downtown and not have some delicious hummus and falafel at the famed 'Hashem' restaurant. Ask literally anyone where it is and they will all tell you. Bring 15-25 Jordanian Dinars (which includes a generous tip and tax) and you can feed a busload of hungry travelers like kings and queens.
Old downtown Amman is home to many humble and hardworking people. The labyrinth of streets may seem confusing at first, but fear not as helping hands are also everywhere to be found. This is the epicenter of old Amman, wherein everything sprang from. Cafes, restaurants, stores, and shops are everywhere you look. Store owners and restaurant owners alike all know each other and mostly share a healthy sense of competitiveness. Underlying all that it is not strange to see many shop owners and restaurant managers sharing a meal together. They may even invite you to join! Not only can you find, most likely, what you are looking for but it is easy to get lost in the historic sites that are sprinkled around town.
Downtown Amman Jordan
Located on one of the highest hills in downtown Amman The Citadel is one of the many important historical sites to be found in downtown Amman Jordan. It has become a tourist destination for both foreigners and nationals alike. Its structure can be seen from atop many high regions in downtown Amman, and it stands proudly lit at night against the dark desolate sky.
With an entrance fee of 2 to 5 Jordanian Dinars you can enter the tourist site and see the magnificent structures left behind by both the Greeks and the Romans. Boasting a breathtaking view of Amman The citadel is a popular tourist spot for many people who want to come and feel the expanse of old Amman.
Built during the Reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the two pillars are what remain from the Roman temple of Hercules.
From the Citadel not only can you see old Amman clearly, but also the glory of the old Roman Amphitheater that still stands strong, built directly into the side of the mountain walls. Amman has grown around it as well, preserving its structure and splendor, while capitalizing on its innate attractive quality.