Jordan - 2017
Built in 1142, it is located within the municipality of Karak 128.8Km away or about two hours away from the capital of Jordan, Amman.
Karak castle is very well known throughout the Hashemite kingdom. Many schools take school children there in their time in elementary, especially because there are other castles they would be visiting at that time such as Ajloun Castle located in the mountain of Ajloun near Dibeen forest.
Jordan has many castles scattered along the endless desert landscapes. There are some ruins still hidden behind stone, some which have been completely excavated, and some which hold secrets that could yet change the world forever.
Karak is one of the older cities in Jordan with a rich history of the crusade artfully intertwined with the fate of the land. Now, Karak is one of the larger cities in Jordan and many of the population find themselves either commuting from Karak to Amman or from Amman to Karak.
Most of the population of the city of Karak (as of 2016) is made up of youth who are studying across Jordan, some in Madaba, some in Irbid in order to support their families and build better more stable futures for themselves.
Farming and agriculture is a prominent form of income, trade, and discipline among the people of Karak as the soil and quality of land differs widely than that of Amman, especially closer to the Dead sea and definitely within the wondrous other worldly Oasis of Wadi Bin Hammad.
The once mighty castle still sits atop the highest mount in Karak. many people have their own view of the castle from their homes cementing it as a corner stone of Jordanian tourism, despite its drop in tourist numbers over the years.