"Sports City" is an area in Amman where there are a lot of large sports fields and facilities. In an attempt to bring youth from the streets and on to the fields, the "Sports City" was undergoing major architectural and industrial changes.
Many of the large fields were redesigned to hold more people comfortably while also adding more sports utilities and tracks within the large multi complex landscape.
The under 17 Jordanian National girls football team was practicing on one of the newly finished fields.
This was definitely a good image for Jordan and it's youth, as it gave then younger generation someone to look up to.
In 2016 Oasama Nabeel and I were on an unique assignment to photograph the under 17 Jordanian national girls soccer team who were working their way up to play in the final under 17 World Cup.
We were brought on to shoot commercial images for them on white seamless, as well as photograph the girls in training while practicing.
In order to help reach a larger audience, and also the younger demographic, there was also a video team as well recording a TV spot.
The more this national campaign could be seen the higher the possibility of young girls to see this media and learn that soccer is not just a boys game, and in turn hopefully generate more support and awareness to the under 17 Jordanian national girls football team.